Date : Thursday, 26 December 2019
Venue : Sarvodaya Enclave, New Delhi
On 26th December, 10-15 student volunteers of Parvaah assembled at Sarvodaya Enclave at 10 am with the aim of painting and rejuvenating the dilapidated walls and parks of the colony. They carried buckets of paint, paint brushes and other painting supplies and started cleaning the small building at the entrance to the Vijay Mandal Park. Once the painting of the building in red and white colours was over, which added a fresh and rejuvenating look to it , they moved on to add colours to the entry gates and walls of the parks in the colony and touched up all of them. The wall painting campaign was over by 6 pm and by then the walls and gates of the colony were no longer worn-out and were transformed into beautiful, colourful structures.
Date : Sunday, 22 December 2019
Venue : Jaipur, Rajasthan
On 22nd December 2019, a group of 25 Parvaah volunteers wholeheartedly took part in the Winter Carnival organized at the Housing Board Ground at Mansarovar in Jaipur and the Parvaah stall set up at the event proved to be an astounding success. Large numbers of visitors arrived at the stall, purchased all our eco-friendly products and also placed orders in bulk. Paper diaries made by our women workers were showcased at the event and our volunteers handed out cloth bags to the visitors and raised awareness about plastic pollution. Everyone present at the event praised our efforts aimed at reducing plastic waste.
Date : Wednesday, 18 December 2019
Venue : New Delhi
Volunteers of Parvaah visit “Rain Basera”, which is a night shelter for homeless people and is located at AIIMS in Delhi, once every month and distribute sanitary pads among the women and young girls staying in the shelter. Recently, our young volunteers visited the shelter on 18th December and besides distributing sanitary pads they spoke to the people living in the shelter about the importance of ensuring personal hygiene and how it can help in maintaining good health.
Date : Wednesday, 04 December 2019
Venue : New Delhi
On 4th December 2019, Parvaah was presented with an award for the excellent work done by the NGO towards ensuring prevention of Hepatitis. The award was bestowed upon Parvaah on the occasion of 22nd Hepatitis Day and Benu Malhotra, Trustee of Parvaah, received the award from Mary Kom, India`s famous athlete and Member of Parliament, Rajya Sabha and Shri Satyendar Jain, Minister of Health, Government of Delhi, at an event held at Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences, New Delhi
Date : Monday, 18 November 2019
Venue : Ambassador Hotel, Khan Market, New Delhi
Parvaah, in association with Inkpot India, had organized a zero-waste conclave on 18th November at Ambassador Hotel, Khan Market, New Delhi. The event was aimed at boosting the popularity of Indian art, literature and culture and it proved to be a grand success. We took special care to ensure that water was served in paper cups at the conclave and plastic cups were not used. Also, the stage backdrop was made of canvas cloth and not plastic; later bags were made from this cloth and distributed among the underprivileged. The event was inaugurated by Honourable Prahlad Singh Patel Ji, MoS, Ministry of Culture and Tourism along with Hon`ble Ramdas Athawale Ji, MoS, Social Justice and Empowerment, Honourable Shyam Jaju Ji, National Vice President, BJP, Mr. Akhilesh Mishra, Director GeneraI, ICCR and Dr. Sachidanand Joshi, MS IGNCA at 10 am. Dr Shashi Tharoor was our Chief Guest at the Valedictory Session. All dignitaries present on the occasion appreciated our efforts towards making the event zero-waste and especially for doing our bit to reduce plastic pollution.
Date : Saturday, 16 November 2019
Venue : Jaipur, Rajasthan
On 16th November a group of 26 Parvaah volunteers undertook a painting campaign at “Pratham Shiksha”, a school providing basic education to underprivileged children inhabiting the slums of Jaipur and it was a grand success. The student volunteers of Parvaah reached the school at around 10 am carrying paints, brushes and other painting supplies and then they began cleaning and painting the worn-out walls of the school building. They also wrote brightly coloured letters of the English alphabet, painted bees and lovely flowers and also drew rainbows and other stunning images on the walls. The painting drive was led by Shreyas Gupta and Juhi Kedia and when it was over by 5 pm the entire school was transformed into a neat and colourful centre of learning. Apart from cleaning and painting the entire school, our volunteers also handed out 100 school bags to the children studying at the institution.
Date : Friday, 15 November 2019
On 15th November, Parvaah volunteers visited the night shelter “Rain Basera” and handed out sanitary pads to the young girls and women staying in the shelter. They also spoke to the people there about the importance of maintaining personal hygiene and how it can help in ensuring good health. The goal of this monthly initiative undertaken by Parvaah is to raise awareness about good personal hygiene and sanitation.
Date : Wednesday, 11 September 2019
Venue : Jaipur, Rajasthan
Team Parvaah started a new initiative in Jaipur on 11th September with the objective of doing its bit for the underprivileged people in the city by providing them with coupons to buy essential items for free of cost from the marketplace set up by Parvaah. Under this initiative spearheaded by Shreyas Gupta and Juhi Kedia, our volunteers handed out 2-4 coupons to the school helps, malis, peons, drivers, conductors, bhaiyas and baijis etc and urged them to use the coupons and get hold of clothes, footwear, school/college bags and other essentials for themselves and their families from the market. With the participation of volunteers in large numbers, this initiative proved to be a grand success
Date : Tuesday, 10 September 2019
Venue : New Delhi
A group of Parvaah volunteers comprising of high school students visited the night shelter “Rain Basera” at AIIMS in Delhi on 10th September and spoke to the women and young girls living there as well as the other members of 300 families who have been staying there to treat themselves or their relatives at AIIMS about the importance of good hygiene habits and how they may help in ensuring good health. Our volunteers also distributed Sanitary Pads among the people living in the shelter. Parvaah has been continuously doing its bit towards supporting the underprivileged people living in the “Rain Basera” shelter by providing them with basic necessities such as medicines, food and clothes.
Date : Saturday, 10 August 2019
Venue : AIIMS, New Delhi
Rain Basera is a shelter for the poor who visit AIIMS for their treatment and have to pay Rs 10 per day for staying in the shelter. They are unable to pay even this little amount and have to sleep on empty stomachs. Parvaah has taken a pledge to visit these people once on a monthly basis and support them with their livelihood needs. On 10th August, a team of Parvaah volunteers visited the Rain Basera shelter and distributed sanitary pads among 300 families so that they could maintain basic hygiene. Our volunteers also spoke to the women and girls in the shelter about the importance of ensuring personal hygiene and raised awareness about good hygiene habits.
Date : Friday, 26 July 2019
Venue : MCD Park, Okhla Phase-1, Delhi
On 26th July 2019, another tree plantation campaign was organized by Parvaah and it was held at the MCD Park,Okhla Phase-1, Delhi. The event witnessed the participation of Parvaah volunteers as well as employees of Tiger Logistics (India) Limited and Jumbo Consultants and the planting of 400 saplings.
Date : Thursday, 25 July 2019
Venue : District Horticulture Office, Sector-12, Gurugram, Haryana
Team Parvaah has launched#MissionGurugram, a tree plantation campaignin Gurugram city, in the state of Haryana. DrPinki YADAV, District Horticulture Officer (DHO) Gurugram, inaugurated the drive at 10 am on Thursday, 25th July 2019 at the District Horticulture Office, Sector-12 in the city. Volunteers of Parvaah together with KutbapurAgrosmart farmers Gurugram wholeheartedly participated in the campaign and planted more than 4000 saplings. The drive was over by 6 pm and it was a grand success.
Date : Friday, 12 July 2019
Venue : Nehru Place, Delhi
An anti-plastic campaign was organized by Parvaah at Nehru Place, Delhi on 15th July and along with our team of 50 student volunteers, shopkeepers in the area had enthusiastically participated in the event and made it a grand success. As a part of the drive, team Parvaah had distributed hundreds of eco-friendly cloth bags so that plastic bags could be replaced.
Date : Thursday, 04 July 2019
Venue : The Ashok Hotel, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi
On 4th July, Team Parvaah had enthusiastically participated at the Annual AnkurRakhee Bazaar held at The Ashok Hotel, New Delhi and the event proved to be an astounding success. Visitors gathered at the Parvaah stall in hordes, purchased all our products and we had also received additional orders in bulk.
Date : Saturday, 22 June 2019
Venue : New Delhi
On Saturday, 22nd June, a team of Parvaah volunteers had assembled in front of All India Institute of Medical Sciences and Safdarjung Hospital in New Delhi at 10 am in the morning and started asking people who were giving out free food not to use plastic plates, spoons, and containers made of plastic for food distribution. The Parvaah team distributed hundreds of paper food boxes as a part of the anti-plastic campaign. The drive continued for 7 hours and was over by 5 pm.
Date : Wednesday, 05 June 2019
Venue : Malviya Nagar, Delhi
On 5th June 2019, Parvaah had organized a tree plantation drive at Malviya Nagar, Delhi to celebrate the occasion of World Environment Day. At the event, around 100 volunteers of Parvaah along with shopkeepers in the locality, security guards and SafaiKaramcharisparticipated and together they planted over 4500 saplings. The whole-hearted participation of scores of volunteers made the event a splendid success.
Date : Saturday, 01 June 2019
Venue : Okhla Industrial Area,Phase - I, New Delhi
In association with IDBI Bank and Bajaj Allianz, Parvaah had organized a Routine Health Check-up Campon Saturday, 1st June 2019 at Tiger House, the headquarters of Tiger Logistics(India) Limited located at Okhla Industrial Area,Phase - I, New Delhi . More than375 employees from Tiger Logistics, Parvaah, Jumbo Consultants and Logistics Kart had taken part in the camp and availed health consultation with a General Physician together with Weight and Height Measurements. Blood Pressure Calculation, BMI Calculation and many other free health services made available to them. The health check-up event started at 11 am and was over by 4 pm.
Date : Monday, 01 April 2019
Venue : Sarvodaya Enclave
On Monday, 1st April 2019, Parvaah has built 3 more dhobi sheds at Sarvodaya Enclave with the aim of empowering the washerwomen who are the sole breadwinners for their families and manage their household expenses by operating these shops. These sheds made of iron sheets and rods are proving to be useful for the women who had earlier worked in sheds made of plastic sheets, leaves and twigs, and helping them multiply their productivity and boost their daily income.
Date : Friday, 29 March 2019
Venue : Thanagazi village, Rajasthan
Parvaah distributes Pluto devices and Empowers 50 Women at Thanagazi Village
At Parvaah, we consider that women are an indispensable part of our society and they need to be empowered. Over the years, we have been continuously doing whatever we can towards the upliftment of underprivileged women living in the villages, towns, and cities of India.
On 29th March, at an event organized at Thanagazi village in Rajasthan in which 600 women participated, 50 of them were handed over Pluto boxes by Parvaah. Pluto, a simple device invented by Ishan Malhotra, co-founder of Parvaah and a student of Jayshree Periwal International School, enables farmers to switch on and switch off the water pumps installed in their fields from anywhere anytime. Sariska tiger reserve is close to Thanagazi and many villagers have been killed by tigers in the area. To save the women farmers in the village from Tiger attacks, Parvaah had distributed Pluto devices among them so that they no longer need to venture out to their fields to turn on and turn off their pumps and this would considerably reduce the risk of tigers attacking the women and their husbands who are also farmers.
The Pluto distribution event was a grand success with hundreds of women assembling under one roof to know more about the device. Rumi, a village woman and a recipient of the Padma Shri award, participated in the event and when team Parvaah spoke to her, she expressed her concern for the women of Thanagazi and her joy at witnessing them being handed over Pluto devices by Parvaah.
We are delighted to do our bit for the women farmers at Thanagazi. And now Parvaah has joined hands with Vasudha Jan Vikas Sansthan, an NGO that has been devotedly and consistently working in the fields of Women welfare, Women healthcare and Women skill development in the village, to empower more and more women and other needy people in the area.
Date : Sunday, 17 March 2019
Venue : Sarvodaya Enclave, New Delhi
On Sunday 17th March, a team of 86 student volunteers of Parvaah, reached Sarvodaya Enclave at 9 am to paint and renovate the walls and dhobi sheds of the colony. After cleaning the worn out walls and drawing colourful artwork on them they painted the dhobi sheds and once the work was over, both the walls and the sheds were a sight to behold. The enthusiasm and dedication with which our volunteers participated in revamping Sarvodaya Enclave took the event to another level and made it a grand success.
Date : Friday, 08 March 2019
Venue : Sarvodaya Enclave, New Delhi
Parvaah cares for one and all. We have built 7 dhobi sheds at Sarvodaya Enclave, New Delhi to empower the laundrywomen who earn bread and butter for their families by running these shops. These washerwomen were in the area for the last 10 years. The roofs of the previous sheds used by them were made of plastic sheets, twigs and leaves. As a result they leaked incessantly during the rainy season and the women found it difficult to run these shops. Now we have provided them new and clean sheds made of iron sheets and rods, thereby helping them multiply their productivity and this has further led to an increase in their daily income.
Date : Tuesday, 05 February 2019
Venue : Vasant Kunj Enclave, New Delhi
Parvaah has set up a technical center at Ankur Udayan Home which is a shelter home for traumatized girls who have been abandoned by their families and have nowhere to go. We are partnering with Ankur Home to impart computer lessons to these children in the newly built computer room so that they can learn these skills and move ahead in life. Empowerment of people who lack facilities and help required to rise in life means a lot to all of us at Parvaah. It is an ongoing project and our dedicated and highly enthusiastic student volunteers have been continuously visiting Ankur Udayan Home twice a week and teaching computer skills to these girls. Cheers to our volunteers!
Date : Saturday, 19 January 2019
Venue : Jaipur, India
On 19th January, our young student volunteers enthusiastically took part in the JPIS Carnival held in Jaipur, India. A Parvaah stall had been set up at the event where eco-friendly articles such as cloth bags and hand-made paper books were exhibited for sale. All our articles were purchased in bulk by the visitors thronging our stall. Besides, our efforts aimed at promoting the saving of trees through paper recycling and encouraging the use of notebooks made out of recycled paper and our campaign against use of plastic bags as a part of which we made eco-friendly cloth bags and displayed them at our stall were noticed and admired by one and all.
Date : Saturday, 12 January 2019
Venue : Jaipur, Rajasthan
On 12th January, 50 young student volunteers of Parvaah arrived at the Rajkiya Uchch Prathmik Vidyalaya located at Khatwara village, in Sanganer Tehsil of Jaipur, Rajasthan to refurbish the school which was lying in a rundown condition. Our volunteers repaired the broken walls and then filled them with vibrant colours as well as lovely messages and made them bright and eye-catching. The renovation of the school was over by 6-30 pm.
Date : Friday, 04 January 2019
Venue : Adchini, Delhi
Shraddha Sanghai, one of Parvaah`s active volunteers, has been continuously imparting drawing and painting lessons to disadvantaged kids. On 4th January 2019, she conducted a painting class at Adchini, Delhi and children from underprivileged families wholeheartedly took part in her class. She also distributed art supplies and painting books among the participants.
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