Plastic bags harm the environment in numerous ways. Once they enter into soil, they lower its fertility and affect our farmers` production. Besides, when these bags are used up, they litter the streets and block drains and when burned, they release toxic chemicals and contaminate the air. Hence, with the aim of raising awareness against the use of polythene bags, team Parvaah periodically carries out anti-polythene drives in Delhi, Rajasthan, Mumbai and Pune. In these cities/states, we have adopted several markets and colonies where our volunteers visit and distribute environment-friendly cloth bags among the shopkeepers and residents so that plastic bags can be replaced. In these markets/colonies, Parvaah kids are going door to door and asking people to purchase at least 2 cloth bags - Fruit/Vegetable bags and Bread/ Milk bags at a nominal price. As a result of these continuous efforts, polythene bags are gradually disappearing from our adopted areas.
Our children volunteers are urging people to stop using disposable Plastic Plates/Cups, Glasses and Containers that are very harmful. When the food items stored in plastic containers are re-heated in the microwave, they are likely to get contaminated with plastic chemicals. Further, considering the harm caused by Plastic usage, Team Parvaah has written letters to airline/railway authorities, voicing concern and requesting them to use non-plastic items. The Parvaah team has also visited several “Bhandaras” held in front of temples and hospitals, asking the organizers to use non-plastic containers/plates for food distribution.
Every year before Diwali young volunteers of Parvaah visit schools, colleges and offices in Delhi and Jaipur and ask people to take a pledge to reduce their carbon footprints and minimize air pollution by choosing not to burst firecrackers during the festival. Our volunteers also distribute pledge forms and get them signed by one and all.